well, she strikes me and i decided to blog about this friend of mine for she made an impact in my life. hehe
it's true that friendship is like a tree. it's not measured on how tall it could be, but on how deep the roots have grown.
i have friends whom i swear i've known them all my life, but they never seem to be the right one.
back in the year 1997, i was so naive that i thought a best friend is someone who sits next to you, laughs together, and basically the two of you do everything together. that's what i meant by best friend.
heck, i was so wrong.
i don't want to write too much on what this 'best friend' of mine did.. all i can say is she left me feeling scattered into pieces for years.
until the year 2002 arrived, god i tell you. this was the turning point of my life. up to now, even when i reminiscence on what has happened, it brought back so much laughters and joys. i couldn't stop smiling to even think of it. *big grins*
Bella changed my life.
she showed me what friendship is really about.
she showed me i can trust a friend. i have a friend and i can be a friend.
she opened up my heart.. so much i tell u!
i shared so many of my first time
s with her.
and i learned to say what i want to say, not being afraid what others think of me.
i remember vividly how we would sing and sing in class. (and our favourite song back then was The Day You Went Away- M2M)
how we would laugh at each other and teasing other people if their hairs were not right on that day or if their voices were annoying worse then a cow..
how people hated us for being so childish; screaming our lungs out and how we would get so excited even for the slightest thing.
the dream white car we promised to buy and share with our savings.
aiyo, so mushy! i'm feeling so sad already.. haha
it's funny how we clicked the moment we got to know each other. i'm just so glad to have found a friend so true that i have Him to thank for.
many times in life, when you don't seem to be getting the thing that you have always wanted, it doesn't mean He's playing a toll on you. it simply means your time is not right yet.. just wait a lil' longer and you'll have it eventually.. perseverence we call it. =)
ok, back to what i was saying earlier.. haha.
i don't know how to elaborate further, but i feel so bad and guilty everytime i talk about Bella.
i still remember what a GOOD FRIEND i was to her.
to shoot her right on the face telling i don't like the changes in her and i expected her to change for my sake. how selfish was i?
i wasn't aware that to be a friend, you have to accept them for who they really are and do not leave them in times of need despite all the consequences you faced.
i made a mistake. i made so many mistakes by dumping her when i wasn't happy with the changes in her. i should have known better that she has a life, i have mine. who am i to tell her what to do. who am i to bitch about her to her mum. gosh, just screw me.
nostalgia is not what it used to be.
but i am glad that i did not lose her despite all the stupid mistakes i have made. eventhough our paths are different now, she's someone i call my friend. a true friend.
thE tEst oF fRiEndsHip dOseN't cOmeS wHen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs & u ReaLizE tHat dEsPitE tHe dIsTanCe, thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...
(received this sms from one of my friend. haha)
this friendship is something i'll hold onto despite all the odds that might happen in the future, for i'll never ever let go again..never..
the times we shared is like a shooting star, the time is really short but really beautiful moments. i have engraved all the memories we shared in my heart like forever ! haha
cehh.. sounded so pathetic. so lame.
but i've lost too many things in my life that sometimes, silently i'll just pray to Him and tell Him that it is enough of me losing so many important people in my life. i can't afford to lose anymore. HAHA
It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. She's one of the friends where i am able to be my trueself, to reveal my true colours. i can say all the crappiest and stupiest things one can have thought of and still i'm feeling good about it, stil i don't feel malu. i can tell her straight on the face 'eh you look so ugly today' and there's no hard feelings or whatsoever for we can laugh at it and say 'yes i know.'
imagine 40 years to come, when our golden years have finally come. all the white hairs or simply too stress with the family that our heads eventually get bigger by years like some idiots! HAHAHAHAHAHA