I dare you to be patient with life. To know that it changes more than you think it does. To realize that the ugliness of the day can be turned into the beauty of tomorrow. And to also be patient with yourself, and to know that you too are a piece of artwork that is unfinished.
I dare you to believe in tomorrow. Not because it is promised to you – it isn’t. But because it is that place in which possibility exists. The possibilities that the struggles you encounter will become the testimonies you celebrate.
But above all, I dare you to believe in today. In this hour, in this moment, and in you. That your life has brought you to it; that you can survive it simply by being in it. I dare you to be in your life in this moment. In this moment, I dare you just to be.
Thank you, exactly what I needed at the moment. Words of encouragement. Ahahahaha