
Thursday, June 30, 2011

my stupidity will only caused me pain

i'm one genuine arsehole.
everytime i said i'll learn from my mistakes.
yes, i did.
but that was not something i embedded into my tiny brain cells and to always be cautious so i dont make the same mistake twice.
i often forgot.

chan suk wai, stop being so dung dung boleh ka?
i dont wana feel self-pity anymore.

maybe it's not my time to shine yet.
and maybe it's not the right time where my voice should be heard.
persistence and perseverance will bring a person far in life.
standing firm to my own's belief will eventually draw confidence from people.
perseverance will ensure i'll be the brightest star when it is the time of my life.

a leader who does not have a strong leadership skills is what i loathe most.

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