location: Kampung Chang, Bidor
objective: to experience life and as an exposure program, two weeks before Convention starts
remarks: *thumbs up. for further information please refer to Joseph and Su Yenn's blog. my memory is hopeless, useless and all the -less they call it. for more photos, check out my friendster (haven't uploaded for the time being) eh xD

look at Kitty, so cute! and the two kids.. they're like the most innocent lil' kids i've ever seen..

sweet couple, you-know-who; i don't even have to mention names xD

we prepared dinner for the Orang Asal wea! the Chefs of the day were Danny, Sara. Yoshita and *cough me myself. basically, we had to wash the food and it wasn't easy at all.. gotta walked all the way to the so-called basin under the rain which you know.. it was rather dangerous. one single step, and you might ended up paralyze for the rest of your life. HAHAHA

these were the simple dishes we managed to cook..

ended up, keep farting only. guess too much gas in the stomach already xD

night was the Kaum Ibu-Ibu's meeting where they discussed about the next day's activities.
*my streamyx connection is so bad. failed to upload the Lagu Orang Asal and also the funny ice breaker's game. sigh
as a substitution, here's a video where Danny kicked Leroy's ass, whereby the Kayu wanted to retaliate against the Cow by.... you watch it yourself. (on the left is Danny, right is Leroy)
Leroy said "I ain't nothing but a winner. "
I said " You want nothing but a piggyback."
and who's the pig? Benji was. poor pig. oink oink. hahaha

and in Kampung Chang, they have poo poo comes in all kind of shapes; small, medium and large. unfortunately the large poo which was the most fascinating one, i failed to capture a picture of it coz my phone as usual ran out of battery during emergency. wasted only. but anyway, the third picture looks like the one i saw in Kampung Chang, only that the real one much more bigger wea! HAHAHAHAHA

enough of the shitting's business...

back to the Rumah Adat, out of all the bags only my bag kena the bird's shit. yerrrrrr.. LOL
Kitty no eyes see, showing his back.. =p

group's pictures before light's off.

managed to put on a fire to warm everyone in the rumah. cehhhh

ain't he looks like an ulat beluncas?

early in the morn', already syok sendiri..

what can do?

already last day of our stay with the orang asal.. sigh

we walked and jogged all the way to the waterfall, which was just so fantastic!

at first was rather disappointed coz thought couldn't play with the water..

thanks to don't know whom who started splashing water..everyone ended up wet. Yeahhhhhhh!

Joseph was like "you see me... now you don't" HAHAHAH

this is how i learn to trick others. leadership by example. whatever the Head is doing, i follow xD