
Sunday, November 23, 2008

zzzzzzz. wheeeeeeeeeeeee. LOL


i have 30mins before i'm off to JJ...

urmmm..i think i better write up some comments on the pics.

fast and easy xD

date: 21st Nov 2008
time: 5.20pm- 11.20pm
venue: silver boat, syuen hotel
occasion: my former boss' aunt's daughter's wedding. in short, not related to me. was just tryna help out, earn some ka chiiiing $$$$
job: bartender
task: pour wine, soft drinks, beers

it was indeed a very grand wedding..

hehe. observe what's written there...

but anyway, we had so much fun working as a one day- part time bartender.
the experience was great.

and well, we do have lotsa 'admirers' aka the flies. LOL

they're just so funny.

Sara was like 'eh do you realize something? he looks like someone.."


Sara: 'your species..'

Me: observe each and every of the waiters walked pass us *lightbulb* 'i know!!! he looks like a gorilla!! that one like chimpanzee.. this one like a monkie! LOL'

Sara: 'yea.. and the manager looks like a king kong. hahaha'

so much craps.

date: 22nd Nov 2008
time: 5.30am- 11.30pm

went for breakfast with a bunch of monkies.

early in the morning i already stepped on a dead pigeon which i thought it was a black cat. sigh

and in the mamak's shop. already spotted two pondans drinking cha. HAHA. *wash eyes*

look at karen.. she looks like a zombie. HAHAHAHA. she was sleeping so soundly coz she slept on my lap, so awesomely comfortable! xD

the chimpanzee tryna woo the female chimpanzee.. haha

group's picture. they're a group of fun people to be with

twin towers aka two bananas-alike structure with a nobita in the picture.

p/s: feeling so lazy to elaborate.. hahaha

went for this capsule ride..

they said no phones and cameras are allowed..

but i say, who cares? LOL


my nenek sayang, i just so teramat BENCI her! LOL. so lame xD

we conquered the whole screen! LOL

my hometown back in madagascar, now shifted to Petrosains xD

if u notice, the pic on the left there's actually one couple who SS. LOL, and on the right two dumb fellas playing with the dinosaur xD

check out this dimensional mirror..

another group's picture

owh, i just love that day..

check out my nenek and my mama's blog. their posts more interesting. LOL
when hurricane strikes.. this is what happens...

in short, i love all my friends. they are the boom! *singing while dancing boom boom cha boom boom cha cha boom boom cha =p
random pics

he's so manja! so adorable. hee

i guess you would have never guessed what crap is this.
it's a new recipe from mum trying her hand by mixing potatoes, cucumbers and eggs! u get me right.. it's a.. don't know what name i should call it. mashed pocucumeggs? haha. that's my mum. she's another weirdo. i think the reason why i'm being this weird 99.9% thanks to my mum for i have inherited most of her genes. so next time when you tryna blame me for some weird stuffs i've done, don't blame me. blame my mum! HAHAHAH. joking


Lemo said...

yeah !!! :D

Anonymous said...

Tỉnh lại thôi con tim ngu si luôn yêu không giới hạn, không biết phép tắc hay lễ nghi.

Anonymous said...

Khi tình yêu chỉ là lời nói thì tình yêu ấy cũng chỉ như một làn khói mà thôi.