
Thursday, January 1, 2009


New year is just that time of the year when we need to reflect on our past deeds and make efforts for our own self improvement. i guess it's the right time to check on our bad habits and make the right decisions in life as and when requisite. all my friends either highlighting what they had been through the year 2008 or make new year's resolutions for the year 2009.

well for myself, i'm doing neither.

coz to recall what i'd been through the year 2008, it's like forcing me to memorize the whole syllabus of Econs/ Business, which i'm not gifted with. penguin's brain too small btw xD

to make a list of the new year's resolutions is even worse, coz it's always meant to be broken. monkie never follow the rules btw, enjoy breaking the rules more xD

so anyway, i'm not gonna make myself stick to any resolution, coz it should be within you. what you yourself really wanted to do, or change and not by making it known to others eh?

but one thing i really wanna change, and i guess i need you guys to help me: play less, and concentrate more in my studies. STPM is this year, i don't wanna screw myself once again like how i got so screwed up in my SPM. and stop procrastinating. that's all. haha

the picture says it all, Beauty and the Beast! HAHAHA


~MoNiL~ said...

pity ol ... Starfish ... XD

Death Invader said...

haha, look at mood lo. like this. and also depends on inspiration want mah. feel like want to express it out in chinese than follow the feel and write. no choise you have to go and learn chinese. haha.