
Monday, May 18, 2009

i saw a rainbow earlier!

it was so beautiful that i wished i could just stood there hours and hours being mesmerized by such a spectacular phenomenon being so carefree, do nothing. think nothing.

what made me really disappointed was not guilty for not studying, when i know i should.

indeed, i was so disappointed that i did not get to capture a picture of the rainbow when the sky decided to pour and the rainbow just vanished like that. JUST LIKE THAT! ='(

just a question to ponder.
how many times a week do you actually try to slow down a lil', putting aside everything, forgetting all the hassles and hectic routines you've been doing all along and just look up the sky, being captivated and lost in your own fantasy?

i bet none.

as stupid as it sounds to be, i do.

in fact, many times when i feel so miserable, like a lost soul walking down the road i would stare blankly in the sky. after awhile, i could take a big sigh of relief. the feeling is great.

i feel so aimless, so hopeless and all the -less, you name it..

i hate it when emotion strikes.

i hate it when i feel so lazy and tired that all i wanted, is lying on my bed do nothing.

it seems i'm allowing the time to pass me by without doing anything productive or should i say doing things that would beneficial myself or anyone at all.

tired i am.
sleep i shall
and fail i would

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