
Friday, October 10, 2008

Numerology Reading. *pretty interestin' x)

Numerology Reading

Data for: Chan Suk Wai
Name at birth: Chan Suk Wai
Date of birth: February 20, 1990
Destiny number: 38 / 11
Life Path number: 41 / 5
Physical Plane: 2
Mental Plane: 4
Emotional Plane: 3
Intuitive Plane: 1
Personality number: 24 / 6
Soul Urge number: 14 / 5

The influence of your Day of Birth;

You were born on the 20th day of the month, which makes your birth number 2.

You're a seeker, a searcher, a woman who is always on some kind of quest. You'll be looking for many things throughout your life, mostly on a spiritual and emotional level.

On the physical plane, you'll be doing a little looking, too, at least in terms of a career. Because you aren't a driven "type A" personality, you'll possibly do well in a small business.

You most likely wouldn't want to be the CEO of a multinational corporation, anyway. You're much more interested in people, family and home life than you are in career and money.

Your Destiny number;

My friend, you're quite an influence!

You have a unique ability to impress and influence others, to fire their imaginations and to accomplish many great things!

The reason you have this unique and inspirational energy is that you're under the influence of an 11 Destiny. Most folks who have this Destiny are driven and imaginative people.

Their blend of idealism and imagination, combined with a desire to achieve makes them people who aren't forgotten very quickly by our society.

And YOU are a member of this special group!

In order to fulfill your own personal destiny, it's important to accept that there are certain things you must be, do, and accomplish in your life.

Your Life Path's influence;

As a traveler on the 5 Lifepath, you're always striving to be better than you were before, and better than the OTHER woman. You take advantage of the freedom this Lifepath brings you to climb that next mountain, to cross that next raging river, and to face-and CONQUER-that next obstacle!

When it comes to your life, opportunity doesn't just knock... breaks the door down and brings you some wonderful options!

Your Intuitive Plane;

You've no doubt heard the expression "there's more than one way to skin a cat:" well, that's you, bringing your own unique solutions to any number of problems. You're not afraid to experiment or bet on a long shot, as long as you think it will get you the results you're after.

More often than not, giving too much thought to matters is counterproductive! But you don't need to because you have such excellent intuitions. You'll be much better off if you just go ahead and trust your first impressions.

Whether you're part of the action or watching from the sidelines, you're one of life's major supporters. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and you can persuade others to see things your way. Ultimately, you benefit by having some sort of guiding principle to live by. This could be as vague as "leaning to the left" politically, feeling called upon to feed the homeless, or supporting a "right to life" group.

Your Personality number - how others see you;

Solid, warm, conventional and nurturing . . .

My friend, when people come to you for advice or just for company, they come away feeling much better about themselves and life!

The reason for that image of warm interest that you project to others is that you're under the influence of a 6 Outer Personality. Most women with this Outer Personality give freely of their time and other resources to people, causes and situations. I find many women with this number in the teaching and medical professions, where their outer desire to help others finds the right outlet.

Your Soul Urge influence - what truly makes you happy;

A lover of freedom , a rebel with a cause, and a woman whose main desire is to live life to the fullest . . .

If this sounds familiar - if it sounds like YOU - there's a reason! You're under the influence of a 5 Soul Urge. Any time I see a woman with this numeric value so prevalent in their lives, I think, "Now there's a woman who KNOWS how to enjoy adventure and spontaneity and who simply loves life."

Women with a 5 Soul Urge are drawn to the fast lane on the highway of life. They love dancing, sports, sex, instant gratification and action, action, action! You won't find women like this at home too often because they're always out there moving from place to place, involved in some exciting activity.

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