
Sunday, January 9, 2011

لسّلام عليكم (peace be upon you)

Hola back!

looking back at the year 2010,
my resolutions had been a success except for one which i did not achieve.. will bring forward to this year though =p

so here's the brand new list of new year resolutions i wished to accomplish before the year ends. *showing rabbit's teeth.

#1. Getting rid of the lazy hormones- Procrastination
procrastinate only leads to hell. but i pledge not to get rid of this habit completely, but to try to lessen it. heh heh

#2. To Get Myself O'ganized 
im infamous for being so very the careless, messy or whatever you wana call it.. but if i managed to achieve my #1 resolutions, this wouldn't be a problem, no? great start already, just keep up with the good work! oosh

#3 Be the opposite of Spendthrift, they called it the miser-? with a "y" at the back of it which spells complete MISERY
im working on it already alright? the aim for this year is to save at least RM500 in the bank. yes! pray hard that during the process of saving more money, i do not break my piggy bank for emergencies use. ;D

#4. Read More Books
i have few novels pending & shouting for my attention. too busy at the moment being a procrastinator but i pledge to change. to spend more time on quality readings than staring at the blank screen thinking what to do next. LOL. speaking of which, Twenties Girl has been my wish-list since last year, but i know i'll be laying my hands on you sooner!

wishing the entire human folks have a blessed year ahead!
& specially dedicated to my friends, my o'frens, where art thou? keep in touch!

1 comment:

McBrick Marketing said...

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