
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i had such a weird night yesterday.

3am in the morning & i heard noises outside my house.

i peeked through my windows & saw one really cute chihuahua outside my house howling.

so i quickly woke my mum cos being afraid it's a trap or something. tv always show how the robbers do something to lure the victim out in the middle of the night & the next thing before you know it, all your money gone as well as... haha

& yeah, i found out a truth that my dog is actually gay. he kept fcuking that male chihuahua.
but the best part was when my mum tried to separate them & hit the chihuahua with a plastic bag & sent him flying so far away. the chihuahua kept barking at my mum as if scolding her. sooooooo cute!

so it was my first time going to the pasar at 4am with my mum since the cekap me planning to cook today. hoho

i was awake one whole day right until i had brunch with Patrick at noon. i started seeing helicopters in my head after that.

oh before that, i received a call at 11am from Berjaya Roaster congratulating me cos i have been shortlisted to go for the interview on the 14th April! OMG. sooooooooooooooooooo happy! time to shop for new clothes already now. so excited. so excited.

well, i have alot to say actually but don't remember much already.

time to cook my dinner now ;D

life is really beautiful :D :D :D

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