
Friday, September 5, 2008

he who laughs last, thinks slowest =p

i don't know what i am thinking at this moment.

i thought of something.. but i forgotten.. ahhh

anyway, i came across this friend of mine, where she mentioned in her blog that she was rather sad because of some nasty words the friend of hers uttered. (and the person is definately not me! hahaha)

it occurs to me and there's a lightning outside now. for heaven's sake; it's raining man, hallelujah.

suddenly, the lightning strikes right at the center of my cerebrum (i hope i got it right; cerebrum is for thinking aite? wakakak) and it keeps me thinking of what i have done and said to all the lousy fellas or should i say poor fellas i have made fun of.

over the past few days... weeks ago.. months.. and even years back

what i realized myself, i think i really talked alot. haha

and i find myself crapped too much of nonsense which some of the jokes, now to think of it.. it was just too over. it wasn't even funny at all.

i am the kinda person who.. you know, for me everything is ok to talk with, i don't know how to differentiate which word is harsh, which is sensitive and what shouldn't be said at all. if you don't tell me anything, i would think that ' my jokes haven't reach to the stage where you feel like slapping me or yada yada".

i need someone to tell me if i should just shut my mouth not saying anything (but in a proper way definately). i accept critisicm, i really do. in fact i am more than happy if there's one person who has the guts to actually tell me what he/she really is thinking, because telling the truth is never an easy act. trust me

i tried to change, i really did try, but i just cant. this is me. i'm learning to accept who i really am before i expect others to see me the way i see myself. LOL.

but i'll try to reduce on all the heats i released because of talking since it contributes to the rising of the temperature, and hence causing the icebergs in the Antartics to melt. my population gonna extinct if this is what happens because of one mouth, i'm destroying my own habitats. i wouldn't wanna die so soon yet! haha

oh and i was wondering how would i look like if i actually slim down.. not the stick figure, but just nice..i think i would wana try it for a month, and see how it goes =)

today onwards, i'll cut down on all the rubbish i consumed all this while and try to control my cravings for milo. i'll go for banana.. and i am not saying i am on diet, it'll never happen to me. i just wana eat right, exercise right and get the optimum figure i want!


so for the last time, before i start; wanna have a short siesta first. haha. adios

p/s: currently i am so hooked up with this song; What About Now- Daughtry. i have no idea why, but i love this song =)

try to look out for the original MV, all the phrases and words they have, is rather inspiring (not this video in my blog). haha

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